Written by Kieron Gillian
Penciled by Salvador Larroca
Cover by David Marquez
Published June 6, 2018
As imperial forces float above Mon Cala, the rebels try to figure out how to breach the blockade. Luckily the regent reveals to Leia he contacted more rebel forces before the empire showed up, and Ackbar as well as scores of X-Wings show up to fight.
With lasers blasting, it's all hands on deck. Everyone does their parts, including Luke's old pilot buddy Wedge. Meanwhile Admiral Ackbar speaks to fellow Mon Calan, Captain Lila. Though she's piloting her vessel mostly solo, she drifts her freighter filled with explosive coaxium, blowing a massive hole in the imperial destroyer and breaching the blockade..
"I'm sorry, Admiral... We didn't hear your last transmission clearly, but did you say 'YEEEEEEAH, ACKBAR'S BIZZNATCH UP IN HERE DOING WORK, SON!"??? |
The rebels all zip away in hyperspace. Unfortunately the regent pays a price for rebelling, but the sacrifice allows the rebellion to fight another day. Months later, they toast their new fleet aboard Queen Trios's ship. Unfortunately for them all, Trios has decided to repatriate. She informs Darth Vader of the rebels and their new ships. What's gonna happen next? We'll have to wait to find out as this issue is left to be continued.
I have this same painting in my house. What a coindink! |
So finally after a six part story arc, the rebels have their brand new fleet of spaceships to fight the empire with. It's not all that surprising that former traitor Queen Trios would be a traitor again... Obviously in Star Wars, that's clearly nothing new. And yeah, I'm looking at you, Lando. But I'm super excited to see Vader plan to make another appearance in this flagship book. All things aside, this was a fantastic issue. I give it a 9/10.
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