Monday, July 9, 2018

Captain America #701-704


Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Leonardo Romero
Covers by Michael Cho
Published and May 2, May 16, June 6, and June 20, 2018

   Obviously in the interest of a massive backlog, I decided to combine this review into an entire story... Yeah, seriously. I'm really that far behind. Either way, it was pretty easy to do for this one because it's such a concise and quick read, and putting them all together worked magnificently. Just another feather in the cap of an amazing writer like Mark Waid.
   Promised Land again takes Cap through a time hopping adventure, although this time, he himself isn't really doing much in the present. Instead, his now grown grandson is struggling with a terrible dilemma. How can he save his dying son, Steve - obviously named for his great grandfather.

EVERYBODY hated Baron Zemo, Steve.

   In the 24th century, America has become the long dead Captain America's dream. Super Soldier serum now powers society, expanding life expectancy to near double from generations before. Jack Rogers is a Historian, a group of intellectuals who use the now atomized time stone to document the past. But in the search through the Presidents' files, he makes the horrifying discovery that the acting General and council to the President, General Pursur is actually an undercover Kree agent.

Wait, what's all this?!

   Desperately seeking his son's cure, Jackson attempts to unearth Captain America using the hero's shield. Instead, he inadvertently frees the cosmically powered Red Skull. Pursur takes Steve into custody to bait the historian into returning, while Jack fights a rather one sided battle with the Skull. He trades his knowledge in exchange for hiding behind the former Hydra leader, who uses the time lens to broadcast worldwide -That all Americans are essentially sleeper agents for the Kree.
Well, I'll just stand back here. You look bulletproof.

   They rebel against their government, although their freedom will be short lived. The Kree warships show up but they're immediately attacked by the Red Skull, enamored with taking the Earth for his own. Meanwhile Jack reminds the Red Skull of the promise he made. He moves to swear allegiance to the Nazi, but instead grabs the villain, using his body like the Cosmic Cube. He holds onto him and uses the power to rally all of America. 

Can y'all hear me now?!

   The story wraps with the Red Skull exploding, and a weary Jack Rogers looking at his newly cured son. They are the descendants of Captain America - with quite a reputation to uphold. With that, this quick but detailed and amazing read comes to a final end.

Dad, let's go raise that convenient flag over there.

   You know, it seems sometimes multipart storylines seem to meander all over the place, filling the pages with plots that take the story anywhere but straight. Time and time again, Mark Waid proves that he's always able to get to a point, and solidly fortifies the narrative on the way. Artist Leonardo Romero picks up right where Chris Samnee left off, providing this book with the still classic sketches with a retro 1940's vibe. This arc essentially concludes this series as it picks up next with a new #1, complete with a different creative team. This one though will be hard to top. I give these 4 books a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of these books HEREHERE, HERE and HERE.

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