Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Westworld: s1 ep7 "Tromp L'Oeil"

"Trompe L'Oeil"
Season 1, episode 7

   The episode opens with Bernard in a flashback/dream with his son. He awakens and is in analysis with Hector, trying to see why he's had a blacklisted encounter with a guest. Elsie still remains missing after her discovery from the previous episode about Theresa smuggling info out of the park via satellink.
   Lawrence, Delores, and William ride via train with the explosives through Indian territory. Back in the real world, Theresa meets with Charlotte who reveals her plan for the board to relieve Dr Ford from his position.
   Maeve talks with Clementine and fakes suspended animation while the white coats come in and take her. She's then used as part of a presentation to the board demonstrating how the hosts reveries are causing them to remember past experiences. Bernard is fired as a scapegoat.
   Back on the train, the Confederates ambush them but they're able to escape as the Indians attack. Delores and William go their separate ways from Lawrence as she finds the scene she's dreamed of.
   Back in analysis, Maeve wakes up looking for Clem. She has the tech walk her back and she sees Clementine being lobotomized. She later tells them she's planning on breaking out and the techs will help her. Otherwise she'll kill them.
   The episode ends with Bernard taking Theresa into the secret cottage Ford had kept the secret hosts in. They're looking around when it becomes obvious Bernard is missing key points and that something is wrong. Dr Ford walks in and, super spoiler alert, reveals Bernard is actually a host. Ford uses Bernard to kill Theresa, all the while explaining he'd never let any corporate types take down his beloved Westworld.
   This was a fantastic episode - probably the best of the season so far and really what made me want to to do a recap in the first place. A solid 9/10 and I seriously can't wait for the next episode.

If you liked this description, check out my video review HERE
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Until next time, thanks for reading.

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