Tuesday, May 2, 2023

X-Force (2019) #21-26

 X-Force (2019) #21-26

   Just an aside before I get into this too far, the whole pages of just text that move the story along, ala Sage's Logbook or Beast's Notes, etc - that's a little annoying. I understand Benjamin Percy's passion to give the story more depth, but the distance between what a comic book is supposed to be, and what a novel is supposed to be.. well, there's differences there for a reason. I like being able to read a comic book in 15 minutes or less. When it's like "Oh look - A page of text" I have to say, I don't feel like it's really all that necessary. Either way, by now if you've been digging around in the X-world, my guess is that you're already pretty used to it.
   Other than that, I still do truly love the story as a whole. Kid Omega is in love with one of the Cuckoos which is always entertaining. The constant presence of Wolverine is neat but I'd expect to see that happening more in the actual pages of X-Men. But either way - between Beast being infected with the russian nesting doll parasite, to the Pikes storming in to kidnap X-babies, it's working. And I like where they're headed. I know the Percy/Hickman X-era doesn't last forever so it's certainly worth taking stock in and enjoying what you have while you have it. Overall a good read... and can't wait to see where it goes next.

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