Thursday, March 2, 2023

Moon Knight (2021) #1-6

 Moon Knight (2021) #1-6

   I'll be completely honest, this is my first deep dive into the Moon Knight comic book ethos. I remember buying one issue of Moon Knight from Steve's Comics on Florida Blvd. The dude's costume looked awesome and it was in the bargain bin where Steve would sell the books for something like 25 cents. No harm, no foul. Then I read it and I was like "huh?!" Needless to say, some of it was a little bit over a 12 year old's head. Kinda like the Jim Starlin 1990's stuff, or Silver Surfer, etc. Nobody was reading Moon Knight. Nobody. 
   Since then, we obviously know what happened. Disney bought Marvel for $4 billion and has continued to show they can do almost anything to the Marvel IP and make it a very worthy franchise. Enter Oscar Issac, Ethan Hawke, et al. And suddenly - it got pretty awesome. Just previous to this book launching, there was a really cool Moon Knight arc in the Avengers books that got everybody talking. And just like that, Moon Knight is cool again - to me anyway. More than just a bad ass costume anyway.
   This series starts off with Marc Spector running the Midnight Mission - a de facto hero for hire, assisted by his assistant Reese - who just so happens to unfortunately be a vampire. We learn a little about her and how this affliction has very recently been introduced to her, though not really how. I'm sure I'll learn more as the series progresses. 
   Somebody is watching Moon Knight from afar. As he traverses the city fighting crime, being assaulted, going through therapy, and encountering some other Fist of Khonshu, it's clear this arc is packing some very awesome things down the way. Sure there's some old vibes happening..i.e. we gotta beat the Hydra drum a little. But overall it's well written and the artwork is decent. It also doesn't help that everytime a Moon Knight book is sitting on our counter, my kids talk about how cool he is.

Overall, it's not bad. I'd recommend you check it out pronto.

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