Tuesday, May 24, 2022

The Offer S1 Ep 2: Warning Shots

from Ready Steady Cut: https://readysteadycut.com/2022/04/28/the-offer-season-1-episode-2-recap-warning-shots/

What did you miss? For a review of the last episode, click HERE

The Offer S1 Ep 2: Warning Shots

Joe Colombo is holding a press conference saying it’s everyone against the Italian Civil Rights League. The Godfather book is a fraud and so is every single politician around. The crowd goes WILD in support of Colombo’s words. I can see this being a problem for the filming of the movie. The FBI arrives to ask Albert and Bettye questions about what transpired.

Francis and Mario are sitting around talking about the movie and we find out both of these men have Marlon Brando in mind for the lead role of The Godfather. Francis has a vision for the film and knows they will have to potentially go to war with the studio. I love they have these two cut off from what is going on between Albert and Bettye without knowing their battle will be bigger than the studio.

Albert and Bettye are talking about what happened. Albert tells Bettye a story that ends with him making her understand that he can’t go back to the cubical and if she needs to leave, he gets it. Like we really thought she was going to walk away? Please. What an anti-climatic moment that we didn’t need. Then we see Robert Evans is throwing a party at his house. My man knows how to PARTY! I mean, another useless scene? What was the point of this? Sigh.

Albert and Francoise are chatting it up about his struggles with getting financing for the film. He brings up Mickey Cohen, who is giving him some problems and Francoise tells a story about Mickey and where he can find him. Albert sits with Mickey (this takes balls) and wonders what he can do to stop the pressure.

Make a different movie – Mickey

Francis and Mario meet with Robert to talk about the film, casting, money, script, etc. Francis is excited as a kid at Chuck-E-Cheese to talk about how he wants to lay out the film. However, as the back and forth ensues, Barry and Jack walk in to let them know they can’t shoot the movie in New York and Francis is freaking out. Albert shows up late and when he does, Francis storms out of the meeting and lays into Albert because Robert sat there and let Barry and Jack tell him how it would be.

Albert confronts Robert, but Robert reminds him that sometimes you have to let the big dogs think they win one over on you to get what you want. He tells him to go to New York, where Francis intends to film and make deals with people to show them they can film this within the budget needed. Matthew Goode as Robert Evans is easily the best part of this show.

A conversation happens with Albert and the crew over the casting of Marlon Brando. Brando’s known to be hard to deal with, and the last few movies have bombed. They don’t think they can get him, but Francis isn’t settling for anything less. So they transition to meet with Vic Damone to play the “not Frank Sinatra” role. Frank Sinatra calls Joe to confront him on why this hasn’t been shut down yet. Joe promises him that he will shut it down.

Joe meets with Carlo, who isn’t happy about the Italian Civil Rights League. He thinks it’s bringing too much noise to the table. He lets him know to SHUT IT DOWN and stay in the shadows. Joe marches to the beat of his own drum and I don’t expect him to remain in the shadows like Batman.

As Vic Damone’s set comes to a close on the stage, someone stands up to ask him if he is a big movie star once the performance is over. He says, “We heard you took the role of Joey in The Godfather movie,” and Damone responds, “No, they approached me and I turned it down.” LIAR. Francis is visibly upset and says this won’t get made, but Albert lets him know that he will make things happen to trust him.

Bettye and Francoise are meeting for a smoke. Francoise doesn’t know that the shooting happened yet and it’ll be interesting to see if Bettye exposes it. Francoise lays down the law and tells stories about how vindicatively she likes to hold grudges against people who don’t see eye to eye with her. Finally, she confronts her by asking, “What is going on with Albert?” Bettye won’t budge, which earns a little respect from Francoise.

Back to the casting table, Francis mentions that he wants Al Pacino in the film as Michael. She doesn’t think that the studio will go for him, but Albert asks Francis if that’s who he wants, that’s who he will get. Next, Robert goes to visit Charles, who is out of town. Before he goes, he pays a visit to Barry and reminds him to call before showing up at his lot again.

Francis and Mario are talking about the script laying the groundwork for certain scenes. Dan Fogler and Patrick Gallo have great chemistry that makes this relationship work. Francis is one of the greatest directors of all time. While I am not sure how he is behind the scenes, Fogler is killing it in this role. I love seeing a comedy actor do an about-face into a serious role.

The ending of “Warning Shots”

Before leaving New York, Albert meets with the congressman about shooting in the town. First, Albert breaks down what the film will be about, including how it’s not the anti-Italian film everyone thinks it will be. Then, he lets Albert know they won’t be filming the movie in New York. Finally, he calls Mario Puzo a traitor and if it were up to him, he would never make the movie.

Albert meets with Al Pacino (Anthony Ippolito) to sell him on the idea of playing Michael in the movie. Pacino is shy, reserved and doesn’t think he can pull off the role. Albert lets him know that Francis handpicked him for the part and wants NO ONE else but him to play Michael.

I am going to order three deserts and then I’ll agree to read for you. – Pacino

Robert Evans is doing what he does best, drinking in his mansion until he goes over to his bed to see a copy of The Godfather on his bed. He opens the book and there is a dead rat inside of it. He gets a call and lets him know that “he knows what to do.”

Francoise and Albert are back at the hotel, where she calls him out about being so secretive about what happened. He promises her that it won’t happen again. So they proceed to get it on until the phone rings and although Francoise won’t get off, Albert makes his way to the phone and realizes it’s Robert. He wants to meet with him ASAP. He tells him that if he doesn’t handle it, he will shut down the movie.

The following day, Robert gets handed the newspaper where it says, ‘Evans Out at Par’ plastered on the front page. He is pissed. Francoise wants Albert to grab him a bagel from the food cart downstairs. Albert walks down to grab it and he is met with a guy and a gun telling him to get in the car. As they pull away, the show fades to the credits.

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