Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Tony Stark: Iron Man #10-11


Written by Dan Slott and Jim Zub
Penciled by Valerio Schiti
Published April-May 2019

   With Stark Unlimited running out of resources, Jacosta unwittingly allows Sunset Bain and Arno Stark into the eScape. Meanwhile, Amanda Armstrong and Machine Man struggle against Motherboard, the AI iterations of Tony's adopted mother and father, in the fight for Tony himself. Soon discovered, the Stark's banish them from the gameworld.

   In the real world however, the Avengers fight the Controller while Tony continues the fight. Finally realizing he still has control, he's able to fashion himself into the godbuster as his parents reveal that Arno was secretly their favorite son. Unfortunately it takes a toll on the virtual version of Iron Man and he passes out, later being rocketed back to earth by his brother, who can't ever allow him to just die.

   Rhodey catches him on his fall, and now aware of Bain's intrusion, Tony uses all of his competitors' 3D printers to fashion a real version of the godbuster armor. He goes thermonuclear and levels the Controller with a massive ion blast. With the threat now neutralized, he uses the now radioactive armor to destroy the Bain Electronics laboratory and the world is now able to rest soundly.

   The story ends with Tony forced to confront some new demons. He now knows he's merely a genetic copy of his original self and he has to find out some answers. Almost falling off the wagon, he nearly opens a bar door when Rhodey appears, saving his friend once again in more ways than one. With that and nearly a half year of books later, this arc finally comes to a close.

   So it's no secret that this book comes to an end in the next 10 issues, but post War of the Realms, it's good to know that their setting up the long game on how to wind it down. Dan Slott made his mark on Spider-Man and it's clear he's made his with Tony Stark as well. But really, was that ever in doubt? This story had everything I wanted in it and more. I give it a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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