Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Doctor Strange #12-17: Herald Supreme


Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Barry Kitson
Published March-August, 2019

   Relaxation for Doctor Strange is few and far between, and of course this time is again interrupted by a strange being seeking answers. Zoloz, a magic welder of Zarax, seeks help to stop Galactus from inevitably eating his planet. He demands it without conversation, and eventually utters a spell that sends the World Eater into the depths of the mystic realms.

Oh well that's neat.

   Of course, this is no good. And as Doctor Strange follows him drifting from and consuming magical realm to realm, he eventually finds help in his ex-wife Clea. She in turn partners with Dormammu's sister Umar, who goes on a mission to unite every mage she can find while Galactus keeps eating magic. After some searching, Strange finds a planet Galactus can eat. Unfortunately it's a ball of dark energy that allows Dormammu to become his new herald. 

Easy there, Galactus. Slow it down.

   In response, life throughout the entire universe exchanges science for magic. This causes havoc all throughout but as the now magical, demonic world eater continues to hunger, he eats even his demonic herald's lifeforce. Strange, Umar, and Clea are forced to take dire measures, and Steven offers a future wish to Mephisto in order to point them in the right direction.

Oh well I'm sure this won't affect anything later.

   Strange seeks out every magician and scientific mind the world has left - including the best of the X-Men, Avengers, Alpha Flight... EVERYONE has to offer. They're on deck as Galactus just rifles through Clea and Umar's dream team of magical forces. One by one, he mows through the best Earth as well the far reaches of the galaxy has to offer. But he finally reveals his plan to the love of his life. Every one of them must fall. All life must be consumed by Galactus until he can't eat anymore. With the world eater stuffed, Doctor Strange strikes - and suddenly... he's the only thing left standing.

Wait, where are we?

   Eternity finally appears, and now with the power of a god, Doctor Stephen Strange the surgeon must rewrite every modicum of galactic history. The big bang, the birth of man, every triumph, every calamity, every win, every loss, every savior, every dictator - until he's back in the Sanctum and ready for Zoloz. Acting quickly, he talks the alien into being a herald for Galactus in order to save his planet. And it looks like everything is back to normal - except for one tiny thing.

"Doctor who?"

   Mephisto is still owed his favor. And just to make it worse, forces Stephen to see his chances with Clea linger in what could have made him forever happy. He casts a spell on Clea that makes her forget he ever existed. And so poor Doctor Strange is left again to be forever alone. With that, this epic tale comes to a super long and drawn out conclusion.. and it's kind of a drag, but at the very least, it's finally all over.

"... all by myself. Don't wanna be all by myself..."

   So for the longest time I can remember, I've had an aversion to Marvel's space jaunts. I liked my superheroes to be either mutants, super soldiers, or even the occasional mystic but the one thing that they all shared was they usually stayed on earth. Doctor Strange is a different animal though, and although he spends a lot of time on Bleeker Street, it's not uncommon for the Starjammers or Watchers or even Silver Surfer to pop up from time to time. As long as it's well written, I'll take it.. and this story most definitively didn't disappoint. Mark Waid is the real magician here, but that's of course nothing new. Barry Kitson keeps things about as old school as you'll see in a modern age comic and this title completely deserves it. I give this incredible story a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

You can also buy my physical copy of this book below:

Doctor Strange #12
Doctor Strange #13
Doctor Strange #14
Doctor Strange #15
Doctor Strange #16
Doctor Strange #17

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