Tuesday, September 4, 2018

X-Men Blue #31-32


Written by Cullen Bunn
Penciled by Jorge Molina and Andres Genolet
Covers by RB Silva
Published July 11 and July 25, 2018
   Some time ago, Magneto allowed Jean to look into his mind and she saw the damage. A little boy in a concentration camp constantly tortured by an evil Nazi guard. Meanwhile in the present, his rage is again stoked... He breaks into the Hellfire Club and murders everyone at will. It seems his anger at Emma Frost has reached it's fevered pitch, and this time, Magneto won't be denied.

Oh well now you're all in big, big trouble...

   The next morning, the X-Men are on the scene. Now that they can see with their own eyes just what Magneto can do, it's clear that they must stop him. They seek out his former disciple Briar Raleigh for advice, as he goes from Hellfire Club chapter to chapter seeking out the White Queen.

Emma? I'm coming to get you...

   Finally tracking her to Paris, the X-Men arrive to warn her. But it's clear after he arrives that that will be a monumental task. They all fight back en masse, including Emma but during one of his many monologues, this is not going to be the pacified version of their former mentor. He doses with the mutant steroid mothervine, becoming superpowered and peppering the young heroes with destructive force.

"Oh that's Mag - NEATO!"

   Jean finds a weakness and Cyclops blasts him, taking him down momentarily but he's able to break the hold within minutes. Suddenly Pickles bamfs in, teleporting Emma from the fray but leaving the X-Men to deal with his rage. Magneto threateningly lifts the surrounding humans, later leveling the Beast with a near lethal shot to the face. Sensing the battle at a stalemate, Jean tries to reach the villain one more time with a plea to his decency but what he's seen from Emma's visions cannot be denied.

Gotta go.

   The issue ends with the X-Men and Emma Frost in a cabin as they attempt to regroup. She tells the teenagers she can handle him herself but as Jean reminds her, the X-Men are going to need both a unified Magneto and White Queen once they return to their original timeline. What does this mean? We'll have to wait as this issue is left to be continued.
   So a little while back, I thought about launching IsMagnetoGoodOrEvilRightNow.com, just to keep up with the status of the X-Men's oldest foe. But similar to IsWolverineStillDead.com or HasDC DoneAnythingStupidToday.com, it would likely have to be updated so much there'd be no point. Still, it's clear that as long as Cullen Bunn is at the helm of this series, it's going to remain readable and should be considered "Can't Miss" in the world of X-books. I'm sad that it's wrapping up, but I look forward to watching them go out with a band. I give these two books a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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