Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Spider-Man #235


Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Oscar Bazuldua
Cover by Patrick Brown
Published Dec 6, 2017

   Near the docks, the all new Sinister Six debate the ins and outs of stealing a SHIELD helicarrier while Sandman expresses his doubts. The Iron Spider uses a recon drone to sneak inside, broadcasting all the while on a tiny screen for his partners to see. Sure enough, there it sits. When Spot hears there are no guards, he opens a portal and steps through, only to see the Red Hulk fast asleep. He returns and informs everyone, agitating Sandman even more. Eventually Bombshell uses her powers to scatter him, just to apparently show him who's boss.

Oh damn!

   Meanwhile, the Armadillo runs down the Brooklyn Bridge with some stolen loot before finally Spider-Man swings into action. He's unmasked, so he hopes a tiny venom blast will do the trick. It doesn't, but as adrenaline begins to overwhelm the webcrawler, he's able to pull the villain down with his energy webs. He uppercuts the guy and zips away before the cops can ask questions.

Unmasked Miles showing off his gainz.

   Later at school, he explains to Ganke he's been fighting crime without his costume while Ganke matches him with news that he's been making his web fluid. He's just about to further tell him about who he's been recently dating when in walks Lana, Bombshell's daughter. Miles and her jet out to talk.
   High above on a rooftop, she tells him her mom has recently gotten out of prison. Fresh out, she immediately pressured Lana to get back into crime. Miles offers to call the Champions but she tells him she needs Spider-Man. He pulls out the mask and begrudgingly accepts.
Oh alright.

The issue wraps with her mother, Lori, on another rooftop with Aaron Davis - the Iron Spider. She laments that she can't talk sense into her do-good daughter, but she's supposedly on her way so they'll both get a chance. That showdown, between mother daughter and the uncle that Miles thought was long dead will have to wait though...  as this issue is left to be continued.
   You know, it was so easy to pick on Brian Michael Bendis throughout his Marvel career. At the time I came back into the comic fold, I'd been used to reading writers like Scott Lobdell, Rob Liefield, Mike Carey, Tom DeFalco... He was easy to make sun of and I tore into him. Now that he's leaving, every issue he scripts kind of hits me with a "Don't Know What You Got Till It's Gone" moment. This title in particular, if anything, because it seemed like he speed wrote most of it off the cuff. And it was so good. In some of his final tales, he's giving what seems like his best hits, and I can only hope whomever they've chosen to replace him can be half as quick as he was. For this issue I give it a 9/10.

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