Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Daredevil #22

Written by Charles Soule
Penciled by Goran Sudzuku
Cover by Mike Deodoto, Jr.
Published June 21 2017

   In the New York Supreme Court at the trial of Simon Slugansky , the judge explains that in the courtroom he meters justice. He's not a fan of stunts and he certainly senses one as a costumed superhero sits on his witness stand. 
What kind of bullshit is this?!

The prosecutor assures him it's legitimate. However as Daredevil, the subject's testimony is not taken from his civilian persona. The defendant's lawyer can demand he unmask which he immediately does although Matt Murdock knew the stakes before he agreed to do this. The only problem for the defense is that the prosecution expected it and files a response brief immediately.
A legal brief filing melee in comic books?! FINALLY! 

   The judge reviews it and sees that the prosecution systematically expected every argument and disputes each one. While the defense cries foul, the prosecutor tells him to read who signed the brief and he sees.. Matt Murdock. Both lawyers agree that everyone's time is valuable and judge takes the briefs to his chambers to review.
   Daredevil listens into the conversation. He prepped Ms. Porter as well as he could but couldn't think of everything. The judge agrees with something the defendant's lawyer says and Daredevil sweats it. If he's forced to reveal his identity again, there will be no getting the genie back in the bottle. They come out of chambers and he braces. The fact that he's Daredevil means he is NOT anonymous, and the defense agrees to test him to make sure it's indeed him. He says there's a woman in the lobby on a cellphone and recounts their conversation, but the defense isn't swayed. He tells him that he had a spinach salad and Diet Coke for lunch because he can smell it. The attorney is surprised and Daredevil tells him if he lies, there's a chance he gets caught up in it.
"And not to mention, you just farted! You did! I heard it! Silent but deadly!"

   Suddenly Daredevil smells gunpowder. He tells everyone to get down and Slug's entire crew comes storming in blasting. Daredevil saves the defense lawyer while the judge throws a gavel at one of the perp's faces. The man without fear jumps up and takes out two at a time while Slug picks a gun off the guard. He points it at his attorney. He's immediately hit in the face with the judge's gavel. By now there's really no mistaking it - the witness is most definitely Daredevil after all. He agrees and after a brief recess, the trial is back underway.
   Two weeks later, Matt thanks his staff. It was a group effort and without everyone's help, there's no way they would have won. The district attorney congratulates him but it might be a short lived. It's only a matter of time until someone challenges allowing masked heroes to testify on 4th amendment grounds. 
"Great work, Murdock. Now let me rain all over your parade..."

Matt says he thought it through and anyone who wants to challenge him can bring it on. The issue wraps with someone making such a challenge. The Kingpin points to the Daily Bugle ands says he won't stand for it and with that, we're left to be continued.
   This book doesn't move the needle much in monthly sales, and it really doesn't make any sense to me. I guess it's geared for a more grownup audience as the subject matter is a little deeper than punch, punch, snikt, snikt... This was yet another example. It's like a John Grisham novel meets the Marvel universe, combined with taking actual legal arguments. This was like an episode of Law and Order meets the Agents of Shield. I loved what Charles Soule is doing and hope there's no end in sight. I give this one a 10/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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