Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Uncanny Avengers #23

Written by Gerry Duggan 
Penciled by Pepe Larraz
Cover by Ryan Stegman
Published May 10, 2017

   Rogue opens her eyes and sees Deadpool, asking him what happened. He tells her it was date night and she went to sleep early. She looks up and sees Wonder Man there as well. Trying as she might to figure it out, she's interrupted by Beast who's super stoked to see his bro Simon Williams. Beast thinks he knows what happened. Rogue's power acts like a battery and Deadpool's regeneration acted like a circuit breaker. The conversation meanders into how Deadpool spent all of Wonder Man's money funding the Unity Squad.
   Meanwhile back at Cable's hospital room, Synapse breaks in to see just what's in the future X-Man's head. Problem is she reads nothing while touching his forehead. Touching his bionic arm though is a different story. Suddenly she's running for her life in his dreams. First Sentintals. Then she sees him near scores of headstones of Avengers and X-Men. Problem is that it turns out to be Cable's evil clone Stryfe kneeling near the unconscious X-Man. Synapse hijacks his central nervous system, forcing him to blow his own head off. Later her Inhuman grandfather Shredded Man tells her she betrayed him. He was trying to save their kind but she turned her back on the family. Everything he did, he did it for her. She objects and starts punching him but he transforms into a mutated version of her, telling her she eventually came around to his way of thinking. She destroys the images and Cable awakes.
   Cable erased the AI in his arm to make room for his mind. He didn't want Red Skull to have access to his mind hopping abilities. She asks why he never told her she was part of the 2087 future from the beginning to this title's series and he tells her he never had the chance to train her and that future never came to exist.  Turns out they both had a shadow following them around. Back in the room, he thanks her for the save, explaining that if Charles Xavier was around, she'd have been one of his favorite students. With that, he ports away.
   Back on the streets of the city, Deadpool and Wonder Man meet with a real estate agent in hopes of selling the theater to get some of his money back. The agent tells him he can't help him, as former headquarters of superheroes are usually untouchable. He tells him he could at the very least put on a show to get some money back. As Wonder Man leaves, Captain America pulls up. Deadpool tells him that he and Rogue have been talking about new ways to make the Unity Squad solvent again but Cap tells him Rogue hasn't recently been much of a friend to the cause. Meanwhile Voodoo, Wasp, and Quicksilver reminisce and discuss their next moves while Rogue sits in her room. Staring at a picture of her former team, there's a disturbance in the room over. Prixat appears to tell Voodoo about some problems with his brother in Orleans Parish. Wasp, Quicksliver, and Synapse all sign on. They ask Rogue if she's busy and she tells them they're not going anywhere without her. And with that - this story is concluded.
   This is still my favorite Avengers team. I don't know why but this group of cast offs just gives me what I want in a superhero group. What Captain America plans with Deadpool and what happens to Cable remains to be seen. But as long as this book lives to see another issue, the sky's the limit. It blows the current Avengers book away and it's better than All New All Different Avengers was. So what is to become of it after Secret Empire remains anybody's guess. I'll wait it out to see though. For this one, I give it a solid 9/10.

If you like this review, check out my video of it HERE.

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Until next time, thanks so much for reading.

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