Thursday, November 24, 2016

Luke Cage: s1 ep1: "Moment of Truth"

"Moment Of Truth"
Season 1, Episode 1

   Meet Luke. Hes a guy with a spotty past. These days, he's just trying to stay out of trouble, working as a hair sweeper at his mentor Pop's barber shop as well as a dishwasher at the Harlem Paradise. The episode opens with himself chatting with shop regulars Chico and Shameek. Later we see Pop talking with Luke in the washroom, calling him Power-Man and we find out why - Luke lifts the washing machine like it's nothing. Pop tells him he should be using his powers for good, but Luke tells him he's done with that life.
   Later he walks to his job dishwashing/bartending at the the Harlem Paradise, a bar owned by gangster Cornell "Cottenmouth" Stokes. He's upstairs meeting with fellow Gangster Domingo Colon, as well as his cousin, Councilman Mariah Dillard, who wishes Cottenmouth would actually go legit instead of dealing in crime. Meanwhile Shameek, Donte, and Chico are busy robbing Cottenmouth's thugs in a parking lot. It goes south and there's a shootout, resulting in Shameek shooting Dante who's freaking out because he took the night off from the bar and Stokes will know he was one of the guys responsible. Before he dies, he manages to call and rat out Shameek and Chico. After Luke gets off work, he hooks up with local detective Misty Knight and incredibly shocking, a Disney/ABC owned  production shows off some hella sideboob. The smattering of F-bombs was also alarming, but sets the tone so you know, you're definitely not in Fantasyland anymore.
   Domingo sends his lieutenant Shades Alverez to find out what Stokes knows. Once he explains he didn't know anything about it, Shades explains he'll be helping to oversee the return. His councilwoman cousin also needed that money and is worried she'll be audited and get in trouble. Meanwhile, Luke sees Shameek walk through the kitchen, sensing trouble. Cottonmouth beats him to death and his men dump his body on the streets. Misty and her partner Scarfe investigate his death thinking that with Dante and Shameek dead, Chico has got to be the killer.
   The episode wraps with some thugs tearing up Luke's landlords' restaurant, shaking them down for contributions for Mariah Dillard. Luke happens to be walking by and walks in, revealing how powerful he actually is. He beats up the thugs but turns down their offer to hire him for protection. With that, he puts up his hood and walks out.
   This is the darkest series I could have imagined Marvel Studios having anything to do with. But I'll tell you what - I'm ecstatic that they did. Unbelievable writing, cinematography, character development. It's on par with the movies they make. It blows Agents Of Shield out of the water and is even better than Daredevil. I give it a 10/10.

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