Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Deadpool #11

Written by Gerry Duggan
Penciled by Matteo Lolli
Cover by Mike and Laura Allred
Published May 11, 2016

   Deadpool has his old buddy Victor Creed right where he wants him. Tied up between a truck and a tree, and about to dose him with Terrigen Mist to end his mutant life... and all because of the wrong memory. Luckily, Scott Adsit, The mercs for money's accountant, uses a spell to tap into Sabretooth's head where he tells Wade the truth - that it was him, Deadpool, that actually killed his parents. He sadly makes this realiazation and prepares to cut the X-Man loose.
   Before he gets the chance though, Magneto shows up, and twists the remains of the truck around Deadpool in retaliation for messing with one of his teammates. Also none too pleased with the fact Sabes allowed him to get the upperhand, Creed just explains he was playing possum. Explaining to him that Wade has a daughter whom is a mutant, Magneto decides to spare him, Also whispering something to the master of Magnetism, he tells him he's going to hold him to it, and with that he makes his exit. 
   Wade takes Victor's advice to see a doctor - Doctor Strange that is. The doctor tells him that he himself sought Strange to tell him the truth in the past. So Wade decides its time to give up the ghost. He finds Logue, whom he threatens a few issues before, and burns the book the former hitman had been compiling for him. With that, Deadpool rides off on the horse he rode in on - and stole from the Canadian mounted police, and decides its time to begin anew.
   Great issue. I was losing patience with this title but happy to see they got back on track. Deadpool's past is such a great mystery, so anytime they can shed some light, the better. I give it a 9/10.

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Guardians Of The Galaxy #8

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Valerio Schiti
Cover by Arthur Adams
Published May 11, 2016

   After the previous two issues sent teams of the Guardians onto separate missions on a badoon prison planet without really explaining why, we finally get a little backstory...albeit not much of one. After Gamora was injured shortly after Quill was being banned from his kingship on Spartax, we find the group together again talking about where to find "her". Only problem is that they never really explain who "she" is.
   In this issue, Agent Venom and Groot head out to do.. well,they don't really explain what they're doing. All I know is that they encounter some skrulls and Flash Thompson isn't happy about it. He starts whipping their asses, and in between Groot's "I Am Groot" dialogue, fights  them until they explain they've been rendered enslaved and powerless by the badoon. Their conversation turns out to be a little short though, when their captors decide to make an entrance. Groot, Venom, and company make quick work of them, and as Flash was once a decorated war veteran, he vows to do the right thing, which turns out to be rescuing tens of thousands of skrulls before badoon reinforcements come back to retake their prison planet.
   I love Brian Michael Bendis, but this book is beginning to look like filler. it's a little beneath a title which depicts marvel properties which deserve a much higher profile. Not to mention he breaks a cardinal rule of what makes me enjoy comics and that's skrulls. What's next? The Starjammers? I give this issue a 6/10.

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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Invincible Iron Man #9

Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Penciled by Mike Deodoto
Cover by Mike Deodoto
Published May 4, 2016

   Tony Stark is missing. After missing the quarterly investors conference call, several of his company's investors are trying to find him and growing frustrated. Meanwhile at MIT, child prodigy Riri Williams has reverse engineered and built an Iron Man suit out of spare parts. Unfortunately for her, the university has footage of her in the lab. She opens the door of her dorm room dressed in the super suit and effectively resigns from her college career.
   Back in Osaka, where Tony was last seen before a warehouse exploded (back in issue #8) Rhodes meets with Yukio at her nightclub looking for clues on Tony's whereabouts. She said she has no idea what he's talking about, and Rhodes orders the authorities to raid the club. A few of her ninjas pop out but they escape. Meanwhile a mystery man shows up and pushes her wheelchair out of the bar, aiding her escape.
   While all of this is going on, Dr. Amara Perera continues her experiments on lab animals (whom, by the way, she keeps accidentally killing) while trying to cure Alzheimers when in walks Dr. Victor Von Doom. He tells her it's time to move the experiments to humans upon which she asks why he doesn't just use magic to cure this disease. There's some back and forth banter which concludes with her obviously lending it some heavy thought.
   Finally we see Col Rhodes who's been waiting for this mystery man, when in he walks. It turns out that this disguised individual is none other than Tony Stark, using some special software he's recently develop. Not long after he reveals himself to Rhodey though, there's a knock at the door as a certain "Mister Franco" is being called.
   I enjoy this series. I know somewhere down the line they really pump up the Riri thing and I guess that's ok but I'm gonna miss Tony Stark being the main subject of this series. I guess for now I'm just along for the ride. I give it an 8/10

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Amazing Spider-Man #12

Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Guiseppi Communculi
Cover by Adam Ross
Published May 4, 2016

   Peter and Harry Osborn (er.. Lyman, now) prepare to host a fundraiser for the Uncle Ben foundation when who shows up but Mary Jane - and on the arm of Tony Stark. The two titans of industry share a few quips when suddenly Ghost shows up. Of course it compels Iron Man and Spider-Man to also make an appearance, and their battle essentially revolves around the two heroes trying to outdo each other. After awhile they realize the only way to beat him is to team up, so they do so. Eventually Pete gets hurt that Tony's one liners that he lifted from him turn out to be a bigger viral YouTube hit. The good news though is that the supervillain is captured and everyone can get on with their lives.
   Meanwhile back at New York's most secure prison, the Cellar, Augustus Roman from Empire Unlimited meets with Betty Brandt from the Daily Bugle. While she's impressed with the prison's security measures, she's wondering about the ability for them to reform the criminals. As she's leaving we see Roman encapsulating the Ghost in a red gelatinous goop. As he asks his assistant how many pods are still available, it's revealed to be none, and so Roman suits up as his evil alter ego, Regent, with plans to attack the Avengers.
   Decent issue. I enjoyed it. This launches the Regent storyline and it's quite enjoyable. Plus appearances by Mary Jane, where can you go wrong. I'd give it a 8/10.

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Luke Cage: s1 ep1: "Moment of Truth"

"Moment Of Truth"
Season 1, Episode 1

   Meet Luke. Hes a guy with a spotty past. These days, he's just trying to stay out of trouble, working as a hair sweeper at his mentor Pop's barber shop as well as a dishwasher at the Harlem Paradise. The episode opens with himself chatting with shop regulars Chico and Shameek. Later we see Pop talking with Luke in the washroom, calling him Power-Man and we find out why - Luke lifts the washing machine like it's nothing. Pop tells him he should be using his powers for good, but Luke tells him he's done with that life.
   Later he walks to his job dishwashing/bartending at the the Harlem Paradise, a bar owned by gangster Cornell "Cottenmouth" Stokes. He's upstairs meeting with fellow Gangster Domingo Colon, as well as his cousin, Councilman Mariah Dillard, who wishes Cottenmouth would actually go legit instead of dealing in crime. Meanwhile Shameek, Donte, and Chico are busy robbing Cottenmouth's thugs in a parking lot. It goes south and there's a shootout, resulting in Shameek shooting Dante who's freaking out because he took the night off from the bar and Stokes will know he was one of the guys responsible. Before he dies, he manages to call and rat out Shameek and Chico. After Luke gets off work, he hooks up with local detective Misty Knight and incredibly shocking, a Disney/ABC owned  production shows off some hella sideboob. The smattering of F-bombs was also alarming, but sets the tone so you know, you're definitely not in Fantasyland anymore.
   Domingo sends his lieutenant Shades Alverez to find out what Stokes knows. Once he explains he didn't know anything about it, Shades explains he'll be helping to oversee the return. His councilwoman cousin also needed that money and is worried she'll be audited and get in trouble. Meanwhile, Luke sees Shameek walk through the kitchen, sensing trouble. Cottonmouth beats him to death and his men dump his body on the streets. Misty and her partner Scarfe investigate his death thinking that with Dante and Shameek dead, Chico has got to be the killer.
   The episode wraps with some thugs tearing up Luke's landlords' restaurant, shaking them down for contributions for Mariah Dillard. Luke happens to be walking by and walks in, revealing how powerful he actually is. He beats up the thugs but turns down their offer to hire him for protection. With that, he puts up his hood and walks out.
   This is the darkest series I could have imagined Marvel Studios having anything to do with. But I'll tell you what - I'm ecstatic that they did. Unbelievable writing, cinematography, character development. It's on par with the movies they make. It blows Agents Of Shield out of the water and is even better than Daredevil. I give it a 10/10.

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Friday, November 18, 2016

Uncanny X-Men #7

Written by Cullen Bund
Penciled by Ken Lashly
Cover by Greg Land
Published May 4, 2016

   The issue opens with a flashback, as a drifter sees an aimless Archangel crash into an abandoned cabin. he regards this as a sign. Later, Magneto and Psylocke venture into Green Ridge, CO to find Warren, and happen upon him, wingless and preaching at a revival. Meanwhile, Sabertooth, Monet, and Callisto stalk the sewers beneath New York as Callisto reveals the New Morlocks - mutants and humans coexisting in peace. There's one problem however - the morlocks are all dying.
   Warren tells his friends that the lord healed him of his wings, along with a bunch of other kooky religious conjecture. Betsy reads his mind and sees a tortured Archangel. They later follow him to a strange looking bunker where they sneak inside and find Genocide, the son of Apocalypse. a battle ensues and Warren says his mission is to ensure mutants survive. Magneto gets all mad about this and is blasted by Genocide. Back in the sewers, Monet and Sabertooth find the reason the Morlocks are dying. They're developing some sort of sickness from what turns out to be Monet's brother. The issue concludes with a flashback again, with Archangel muttering to the person who found him of his mission.
   Pretty decent book but I feel like this title is undeserving of such a small group of limited X-Men. The fact that Sabertooth and Monet are on this squad just kind of reeks of a "Just Put Them In That Comic" kind of attitude. Guess we'll see where it leads. I've been reading Uncanny since I was a kid. Why stop now? I give it a 7/10.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Amazing Spider-Man #11

Written by Dan Slott
Penciled by Giuseppe Camuncoli
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Apr 27, 2016

Scorpio Rising pt 3

   The Zodiac are finally ready to make their big move - the time for Scorpio to make his ascension... and unfortunately for Spidey, Mockingbird, SHIELD, and everybody else, all of the earth's satellites are down so the minds of Parker Industries are unable to put together a plan. As luck would have it however, Nick Fury has one trick left up his sleeve, and using lasers, astrology, and Morse code, is able to send a message to our heroes about the Zodiac's location.
   The team plunges to earth from a SHIELD quinjet, and after a long drawn out monologue, Spider-Man grabs the key from Scorpio and high tails it into the cave where the door is. Unfortunately for him, Scorpio has a family bond with the key. He mystically pulls it back to himself and opens the door. Spidey sees an opportunity and kicks his old boss through the magical door, apparently knocking him all the way to a year into the future just as he's spouting what would appear to be scores of plotlines for upcoming issues.
   What's left of his minions confusingly remove their mind control hats while Brain, aka Doc Ock freaks out thinking Anna Marie Marconi was hurt in the crash. Mockingbird collects the zodiac tools for return back to SHIELD and Otto Octavious's inner conscious threatens to soon make his superior return.
   You can never go wrong with the Amazing Spider-Man. The Avengers have changed, the XMen aren't the same anymore, and the Fantastic Four don't even exist... but you can always bet on Peter Parker to be the same old Spidey. Great issue and storyline. 10/10.

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Westworld: s1 ep7 "Tromp L'Oeil"

"Trompe L'Oeil"
Season 1, episode 7

   The episode opens with Bernard in a flashback/dream with his son. He awakens and is in analysis with Hector, trying to see why he's had a blacklisted encounter with a guest. Elsie still remains missing after her discovery from the previous episode about Theresa smuggling info out of the park via satellink.
   Lawrence, Delores, and William ride via train with the explosives through Indian territory. Back in the real world, Theresa meets with Charlotte who reveals her plan for the board to relieve Dr Ford from his position.
   Maeve talks with Clementine and fakes suspended animation while the white coats come in and take her. She's then used as part of a presentation to the board demonstrating how the hosts reveries are causing them to remember past experiences. Bernard is fired as a scapegoat.
   Back on the train, the Confederates ambush them but they're able to escape as the Indians attack. Delores and William go their separate ways from Lawrence as she finds the scene she's dreamed of.
   Back in analysis, Maeve wakes up looking for Clem. She has the tech walk her back and she sees Clementine being lobotomized. She later tells them she's planning on breaking out and the techs will help her. Otherwise she'll kill them.
   The episode ends with Bernard taking Theresa into the secret cottage Ford had kept the secret hosts in. They're looking around when it becomes obvious Bernard is missing key points and that something is wrong. Dr Ford walks in and, super spoiler alert, reveals Bernard is actually a host. Ford uses Bernard to kill Theresa, all the while explaining he'd never let any corporate types take down his beloved Westworld.
   This was a fantastic episode - probably the best of the season so far and really what made me want to to do a recap in the first place. A solid 9/10 and I seriously can't wait for the next episode.

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Monday, November 14, 2016

Superman #9

Written by Peter J Tomasi and Patrick Gleason
Penciled by Doug Mahnke
Cover by Doug Mahnke
Published Oct 19, 2016
Return to Dinosaur Island, pt 2
   As a recently time transported Superman and Jon find themselves staring at the wall for the story of the "losers", a soldier named Captain Storm jumps out of nowhere shooting at them. After a lengthy explanation, he explains how he made his escape and how since losing all of his old world war 2 buddies, his only goal has been to survive. Superman recaps the story of the allies vs axis powers and helps him bury his friends. Next on the agenda, helping the 2 superheros find the transporter back home. Storm mentions he thinks he knows where it is but they aren't going to like where.
   Later Jon cries because of how much he misses his mother and how scared he is they might not make it home. Superman consoles him and the two of them, along with Capt Storm and Krypto go and fight the beasts that have this transponder, which they find in the eye of a gigantic gorilla and yada yada yada - transport back home. I guess with this little sweep, the return to dino island is over.
   I find it a bit odd that it takes 2 people to write this book. Sometimes it's good but sometimes it's weak. That issue a few weeks back where they go to the country fair was OK for a change of pace, but these stand alone stories where Superman and Jon-El do something, save the day, and then go back home and that's the end of it - they're a little lame. I give it a 5/10 and if what appears to me to be a team writing these stories doesn't do a little bit better in the future, I think I'll cast my Superman Story addiction lot with Action Comics.

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Old Man Logan #5

Written by Jeff Lemire
Penciled by Andrea Sorrentino
Cover by Andrea Sorrentino
Published April 27, 2016

   Logan is back with the X-Men, but no sooner has he arrived to help out, he tells Storm (whom should be pretty used to this by now) that he needs to attend to some personal situations. She gives him a tiny cerebro computer in case he ever needs to get in touch, and the man formally known as Wolverine rides north.
   Up in the northern parts of Alaska, there's a road that only opens 3 months out of the year, which is perfectly onninous and mysterious for a brooder like Logan. Through flashbacks, we not only see him try to kill himself wearing his signature costume; we also see him snooping around the Weapon X facility, encountering his wife Maureen for the first time, as well as the introduction of the folks that will eventually murder her - the Jeb gang.
   Back in the present, he meets his wife as a child feeding a stray wolf. He talks with her and decides he will protect her, keeping her from a life where although they could never be married, he could at least make sure she's never hurt. The issue wraps up however with a cameo determined to make sure he doesn't get the opportunity - the evil Reavers... Lady Deathstrike and a bunch of other baddies I can't remember the names of - lie in wait after killing Maureen's dog, wondering if Wolverine is somehow back from the dead.
   Great issue as usual from this series. I love the writing, I love the stories, and I really like the art. Hopefully they can keep it up because I really like where it's going. I give it a 10/10.

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Monday, November 7, 2016

All New X-Men #8

Written by Dennis Hopeless
Penciled by Paco Diaz
Cover by Mark Bagley
Published April 13, 2016

   After being rescued from an attack by Toad, Scott Summers from the past rests in a hospital room as Hank McCoy and Bobby Drake hold vigil. Seeing Doctor Strange on tv in the waiting room, young Beast has an idea. He sets out to track down the mysterious warlock and see if there's a magical spell that could bring them all back to their time.
   He finds him in Idaho trying to exorcise demons from an entire town. Hank tells him he believes using magic is akin to cheating, but science has failed him and at this point he'll try anything. Strange throws him a portable third eye of Horus, and with that, Beast finds himself trapped in a demon filled horror world until he passes out. Later, the doctor explains that he was once a great surgeon, skilled in the world of science until his hands began to tremor and his gifts were gone. In learning sorcery, there is a certain science to all of it. But just as he finishes explaining this, he's attacked by a magma serpent. 
   Henry throws on the eye and assists - solving theorems and equations and showing Strange that sometimes the ability to fix problems can be equal parts science and magic. They fix their inter dimensional demon problems and the doctor returns the Beast's own personal demon, the little Nightcrawler clone Pickles. As the issue wraps, Henry McCoy learns a lesson. While there's no spell to return him to his time, Strange reminds him that there is one resource the young X-Man can always use: his brain. And with that, the issue wraps.
   When Brian Michael Bendis hatched a plan to bring all the old X-Men back, I was irritated at first. As a subscriber, All New X-Men became the flagship title and I was like "Oh what is this crap?!" I never would have thought I'd have gotten so much enjoyment out of it. It's really turned into a fantastic title and I look forward to it. This one again failed to disappoint... I give it a 9/10.

If you liked this description, check out my accompanying video review HERE.

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

All New All Different Avengers #8

Written by Mark Waid
Penciled by Adam Kubert
Cover by Alex Ross
Published Apr13, 2016

   The issue opens 15 minutes into the future. The Avengers lie dead at the hands of some mystery mutants, all in the remnants of a terrible battle. Flashback to the present, and they're looking up at the little girl in the air, where the previous issue left off. They're each ripped to supposed safety by Quicksilver, and Vision explains to the group the energy readings the little girl are giving off are those of a "cosmic cube". Suddenly the 2 Maria Hill's come running up to tell them they're also prisoners too.. two former villains named Mindblast and Bloodlust. As they try to explain who they area though, the little girl shows up and tells them that none of this is supposed to happen. She disappears them back to their rooms, and says the "bad people" are starting to wake up.
   Without warning, they're attacked, given the order to "kill the Avengers". Miles and Kamala attempt to talk the little girl down to protect them, but they're quickly attacked and crushed by the others. Finally, Deadpool gets close to her. He tells her to reach into his mind, to see that everyone else has some demons too. She does so, and learns that he too was a plaything. She decides she doesn't want to hurt anymore, and turns them all back into their regular selves. She runs away just as Steve Rogers and Captain America give the call... "Avengers Assemble!", and with that we're left to be continued.
   Good issue. Like the crossover overall. Good writing and Adam Kubert kills the artwork. I give it a 9/10 and look forward to the next issue.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Star Wars #18

Written by Jason Aaron
Penciled by Leinil Francis Yu
Published April 27, 2016

   After saving Han from imperial fighters, helping him smuggle some nerf's, and threatening to tell on him for gambling away the alliance's supply money, Luke gets to fly the Millennium Falcon for a few parsecs. Back at Sunspot Prison, Leia, Sana Starros, and new enemy turned ally Dr. Aphra work together to figure out just whom has taken control of the facility. As they struggle to get to the control room, the biggest threat they face is each other, as Sana and Aphra threaten to kill each other nearly every page. They attempt to reporgram one of the battle droids while remotely, the mystery hijacker cancels the transmission of their distress call - all the while, going cell to cell and butchering the prisoners and broadcasting taunts from the loudspeakers.
   Noticing movement, the assailants in the control room order their hostages, R2D2 and C3P0 to guard the door. Opening it and firing upon Leia and her team, they appear to be winning. Finally one last droid has them pinned down, to which Aphra reveals it wasn't the last droid after all. The unit she was rewiring comes in and saves the day, killing the other droid and pulling the blast doors open. 
   When they finally step inside, they find the control room in disarray.. R2 and 3P0 have apparently taken the droids who were in control down, and there was apparently a ship that heard their distress call after all - The Millennium Falcon. Han Solo and Luke Skywalker step inside to help the princess and her new team of prison breakers, and we're left to be continued  next issue.
   Pretty good book. I enjoy this title and they're really finding ways to expand an already told story for the most part, which is impressive. Looking forward to seeing what happens next month.

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